Search Google or Type a URL: Which is Correct for You?

Search Google or Type a URL: Which Is Correct For You?

Over 99,000 searches are performed on Google per second. This shows that people trust that they can find anything online through this search engine. To ensure an uninterrupted search experience for its users, however, Google has introduced its own tool known as “Search Google or type a URL”. The aim of this tool was to make finding information on the internet easier and faster.

The new web search method that has been added to the search engine page is quite interesting. Users can now choose between typing a URL and doing their regular search on the internet.

In this blog post we will talk about which among ‘Google Search’ and ‘Type a URL’ tool is better for you.

What does the “Search Google or Type a URL” tool mean?

“Search google or type url” refers to two main ways of accessing websites online. The first approach uses google as your search engine where you look up specific details; websites included. You simply input relevant keywords/phrases then wait for results which are sites related with what you typed.

The second approach involves directly entering website’s url /web address into address bar of any web browser .By doing so ,one accesses the site directly without having to depend on any search engine .These two forms are used primarily in navigating through massive amounts of data found online. All major web browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox , Microsoft Edge and Safari come with this feature.

What is an Omnibox ?

The Omnibox is a search tool that enables users to either search google or enter a URL directly for finding information online. It can also be referred to as “google search or type web address” This feature makes it easier for people who may not know how to use google search .

With the omnibox, one can do other things apart from searching the web such as maths calculations ,unit conversions among others .It saves time when looking up for information or navigating through specific sites.

When using the Omnibox, you will see default suggestions like ‘Google Search Or Type Web Address’ in your browser’s address bar. Although some devices might show slightly different texts i.e ‘search or type web address’, they perform same function .It provides a quick way of getting into the internet by just few keystrokes.

How You Can Look for a Specific Word or Phrase on Google?

To hunt for a specific word or phrase in Google, just write your query into the address bar. According to the query, the search results will display matches. If you are looking for an exact phrase, put it in quotation marks.

For example, if you want to find out about the best shoe stores nearby, simply enter “best shoe stores near me” into the address bar and hit enter. The search results will show you a list of top-rated shoe stores that are close to where you currently are.

If you’d like to narrow down your search to a particular website, use the following format: ‘site:’ with your search query after that. This way you’ll be able to search within one site only.

For example, if you want blogs on that talk about SEO services then type “ SEO services” inside of the address bar and press enter. It should bring up all of the blog posts from which contain the term ‘SEO services’ within them.

Which is Better – Search Google or Type a URL?

The feature ‘Search Google or Type a URL’ allows flexibility while navigating through webpages; there isn’t any right or wrong way but depends on individual needs and preferences. If someone is still exploring and unsure what they’re looking for yet then using Google search bar can be great option as it gives broader results than direct URLs might give you.

However if someone knows exactly where they want to go then typing in straight away could be simpler as well as quicker too so it’s all about finding what works best for each person.

How do I Search for Website on Google?

1. Using ‘site:’ operator

If you are searching for certain websites on google then simply type “” inside of address bar followed by specific keyword.

For example, if you want to find out what services does Wildnet Technologies offer to businesses like mobile SEO services then type “ mobile SEO” and hit enter this will narrow down your search to only show results with that specific service on the website which mentions ‘mobile SEO’. It’s a great way to limit your search within particular site.

2. Using ‘related:’ Operator

Another creative method of finding related websites is using “related:” operator. Type in “related:

3. Using ‘cache:’ operator

You can look up for websites on google using different operators, one of the most commonly used and helpful ones is “cache:”, it allows you to see a cached version of the website page you are looking for.

For instance:
If you enter “cache: inside of search bar then you’ll be able to see cached version of that specific page from wildnettechnologies.

4. Using ‘inurl:’ operator:

Another way of finding websites is by using the operator “inurl:”. This lets you discover URLs containing specific words.

To find websites with the word “SEO company in Delaware” in their URL, type “inurl: SEO company in Delaware” into the search bar and you will get a list of such websites.

5. Use ‘intitle:’ operator

You can use the “intitle:” operator to find sites that have a particular word in their title too.

For example, if you want to look for those websites which have words like “Google Advanced Image Search” within its titles only then type “intitle: Advanced Image Search” into Google search bar and hit enter key.

What is the Difference Between Search Google and Type a URL?

The main difference between “Search Google” lies in how you use a search engine to locate a website based on keywords or phrases. This method is handy when you know the exact URL or web address of the website you want to visit. The search engine generates a list of results from where one can select most relevant website.

Between these two choices, it depends upon user’s preference and specific task. If someone knows which site they want to visit then ‘Type a URL’ feature is more convenient as it lets them directly inputting URL into address bar.

On the other hand, if your goal is finding information or content on Internet, then ‘Search Google’ might be better option for this purpose.

Google Autocomplete Predictions

Google Autocomplete Predictions are one of those features that make things easier for users while searching anything through Google by showing suggestions as you start typing in search bar. These suggestions are based on what people usually look for (popular searches) and what you have searched earlier (search history).

How Does Google Autocomplete Predictions Work?

The working principle behind Google Autocomplete Predictions involves studying common queries people do along with analyzing past behavior of individual searcher. When someone enters some letters or words during the typing process at the search box, it offers prediction matching with that query. Clicking on any such prediction may lead directly towards relevant website or further continuation of search query.

How Can Search Google or Type a URL Enhance Your Searching Experience?

To enhance web surfing experience, Google has made it easier for us to get the results we desire. You must have seen suggestions popping out just below the address bar when you enter certain keywords.

For example, if you type “Wildnet Technologies” then Google might show predictions like “Wildnet Technologies photos”, “Wildnet Technologies reviews” or “Wildnet Technologies services”. Now clicking on any such prediction can take you straight away into relevant site or else continue typing your query.

Apart from predictions, ‘Search Google or type a URL’ feature helps users in:

  • Saving time
  • Personalized suggestions based on search history
  • Accurate search results
  • Smooth browsing experience

In general sense, ‘Search Google or type a URL’ is a time-saving and convenient feature that allows you to find information quickly and accurately while browsing.


This feature is very useful especially in this fast world where time flies so fast. The ‘Search Google or type a URL’ feature comes handy whether one wants to learn about something new; improve visibility of his/her site; navigate through huge amount of data available online etcetera.

Any subject can be researched easily with a search engine such as Google. Moreover, one can visit any desired page by typing its URL into the address bar directly without any additional effort. “Search Google or type a URL” is an indispensable tool for regular internet users; it makes browsing faster, simplifies searches and saves time in general.

FAQs about Search Google or Type a URL Your Attractive Heading

Q1. What do you mean by Google Quick Search?

A: By using quick search of Google you can find any information very quickly without wasting your time for loading websites that appear to be useless.

Q2. What are the uses of the Omnibox feature in Chrome?

A: Chrome Omnibox is used for entering URLs and searching queries, a “search google or type url” has been integrated into it so that you can get required information easily.

Q3. What is the Use of the Address Bar in Chrome?

A: The address bar in Chrome allows users to input direct URLs or carry out searches using keywords. It also has a ‘Search Google or type URL’ function which provides predictions based on previous search history making it easier for one to find what they need faster.

Q4. How can you Make your Website More Visible on Google?

A: There are several ways to improve visibility on google like SEO (Search Engine Optimization), creating high-quality content & backlinks from reputable sites etc but at the same time by utilizing “search google or type url” option also helps ranking better in google search results pages.

Q5. How can you Open Google Omnibox?

A: The topmost part of chrome where user enters URLs and searches queries is called omnibox.To access it click on the address bar or use shortcut key ‘CTRL+ L’. Once appeared on screen this can be utilized for speedy searches through “search google or type url” method to find information quickly needed.

For more insights and services on digital marketing, visit our Digital Marketing Services page.


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