Impact of Website Design on your online presence

The Impact of Web Design on Your Online Presence

The web design makes or breaks the organic reach of a website. For example, Amazon earned USD 177.86 billion, Apple earned USD 265.4 billion, and Google earned USD 133 billion last year, a lot of which is due to their web design. As per Forbes, 75% of the credibility that a website garners is because of its design. Call-to-Action buttons that drive visitors into becoming leads are not properly placed on seven out of ten small businesses’ websites.

People are focused on one thing, i.e., Digital Marketing so that they can increase their traffic, have a top Google ranking and visibility, convert leads, and thus have increased ROI from their digital presence.

If web design is not applied and the web owner moves directly to SEO, then the website may not have properly placed alt text boxes, CTA buttons, and share buttons. It might even miss out on videos, images, animations, and more, which will lead to a substandard user experience, an increased bounce rate while decreasing conversion rates.

With web design, your digital presence will be able to engage visitors, keep them on the website, and turn them into leads and so on.

What is web design? 

It is an accumulation of various domains that are working to achieve a simple goal, i.e., a good UX and user interface (UI). It includes resources from graphic design, coding the front end or UI, designing the UI, UX design, Image optimization, SEO, and more.

Thus, one can understand why it is seldomly talked about and taken seriously, as it involves a lot of skilled people working in tandem, which would be costly and difficult to manage as well.

Let us understand the correlation between digital marketing and web design.

Link between online presence marketing and web design 

Online Presence Marketing (OPM), or, digital marketing, is solely focused on increasing their digital traffic which will transcend into converting leads and further into profitable business partnerships that keep coming back.

But this requires,

Brand visibility 

Making your brand visible is as important as making it memorable. This is possible by following the set practices defined in your web design, such as taking into consideration the color schematics (as per your brand logo and following a five-color theme), logos, and typography (different font styles and sizes can be used to highlight certain information and set up an informational hierarchy).

Making the web portal easily digestible

With the effective usage of white spaces, you can provide relaxation to the minds and eyes of the reader (especially after some mind-boggling or complex content). While with the visual order or hierarchy, using headlines, bold, italics, bullet points, and more, information can be shared and processed aptly.

Fast and reliable website 

This is possible if no part of the website, be it the front or backend, is taking more time, space, and processing power than it should. This means using images that have been compressed, shortening the meta tags, following a reliable site structure, choosing the percentage of the dynamic nature of the website, and more.

Website design and marketing goals can go hand in hand.

Impact of aligning your web design with the marketing goals

If these two verticals go hand-in-hand, only then can the following and more be achieved:

  • Increase in leads and their conversion to sales

It is possible by using the right digital marketing strategies (SEO, backlinking, Social Media Marketing [SMM], and more), aptly placing the Call-To-Action (CTA) buttons, making landing pages persuasive, and more. This will lead to easier crawling and indexing of your website, engaging the visitors and encouraging them to take the next step via CTA buttons be it filling contact forms, applying for newsletters, and more.

These entries become leads which can then be converted into clients by your sales team.

  • Reducing bounce-back rates 

The digital world is full of competitors having almost similar services. They differ in web design via ease of access, UI and UX, and more. A good web design that has been aligned with your marketing goals would bring in more visitors, and keep them engaged with the great content and visual appearance. They are bound to opt for the next steps via CTAs if they spend a good amount of time on the website. 

  • SEO practices 

Search engines judge each website while crawling and indexing them. SEO practices such as using relevant keywords, placing images and other infographics (at the right place) along with captions, linking with internal and external resources, following proper headings (H1, H2, H3 and so on), using simple and understandable language and more help build great user experience which is seen by the time they spend on that particular website and the number of times the website and its content is shared organically.

Good Online Presence 

Finally, let us dwell on some factors that showcase the effectiveness of your online presence.

Adaptability with all sorts of devices is quite important. It will only be covered under web design, and its importance can be easily understood if we compare the time spent on phones or tablets compared to the time spent on laptops.

The look and feel of the website are such powerful tools for driving sales that you may even skip the Pay-per-click (PPC) budget altogether. It starts with first impressions and goes on with ease of navigation, and proper placement in the UX. This transforms into smooth conversions of leads into customers.

Compliances in terms of accessibility under the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) require the websites to be accessible even to people with disability. This provides your website a legal and moral high ground that makes your brand, website, and the services/products (you are providing) more legitimate and trustworthy.

Customer support via FAQs, support via email and calls, and chatbots make sure that visitors are converted into customers by providing them help and silently pitching your product/services to the problems faced by them now or in the near future.

Lastly, if the web design is really good, viewers will bring in more footfall by word-of-mouth, which then becomes part of your unique selling point (USP) when compared to your competitors.

A few case studies 

Here are some case studies to get the facts behind the importance and impact of web design for your digital presence.

  • It was demonstrated by Mishra et. al (2015) that the perception of web design, including the visual aspect of it, indirectly affects the brand’s equity value.
  • As per the research done by ResearchGate titled “Impact of website visual design on user experience and website evaluation,” 
    • Expected users of the Internet of Things will reach 75 billion (Statista, 2016).
    • Visual design can increase viewership by coefficients of 0.461 (if set for usability) and 0.376 (if set for pleasure), and
    • The web experience of users increased by a coefficient of 0.766 (if both usability and pleasure were considered). 

Thus, if you are planning to build a website or already have one and/or have any other form of digital presence that you wish to popularise and monetize, it is time to jump on the proper web design bandwagon, as this one-time investment will keep rewarding you till the website runs. 

We at Wildnet Technologies excel in providing No.1 and world-class Digital Marketing, White Label Services, Design and Development, and Staff Augmentation services to make sure that your business runs smoothly with an ever-flowing fountain of leads and recurring clients.

Email us, without wasting any more time and energy, at


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